on the other side of the world….
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The Tale of Hot Dog Fry

One evening in Seoul. . .

Behold Doota. This is the one tiny shopping maze we entered in the huge shopping district, Dung Dae Mun, in Seoul.

This is how we felt. Blurry Maze. Exhausting.
Chad loves shopping. :)

In hunter/gatherer fashion, he went in search of water and returned with news of nourishment never before seen by our Western eyes.

Which did we choose?
This – - a hot dog covered in batter and french fries.
One bite.

Bigger than my head.

Our friend Eve partaking in this artery hardening endeavor.

Dave took a bite, don’t worry.
Phew, okay, after that dramatic presentation of a taste of the tastes we got in Seoul, hello! We had a marvelous weekend full of things we would like to share with you soon. Most of the pictures we took were of events such as these. So, you get to see the quirks of Seoul. I hope everyone is well!Sleep time!



1 Marty { 10.08.08 at 7:52 pm }

I was thinking about hot dogs today. Then I went to see Obama in Indy. I still want a hot dog (Hot Doug’s).

2 Kate Korroch { 10.09.08 at 2:06 am }

Ohhh, Hot Doug’s. OOoooOOOhhhh. . . I miss that. I am glad a Hot Doug’s dog is one of the last American foods I consumed.

I am really glad you went to see Obama!!