“Head Shoulders Knees and Toes”
Kate and I are heading off to Seoul after school today. It is the middle of the week, but Kate is taking the first part of the GRE tomorrow morning – it’s only offered during the week. I’m going with her to keep her safe (Wish Kate Luck!!)
School is going really well so far this semester. The class that gave us the most trouble last semester is much better (so far)… not sure who’s to credit for that but we’re happy. We’re feeling very good about our teaching and are pretty well planned out for the semester. It’s old routine for us now… Knock on wood everything stays this good.
This week we have the Seoul trip, another school field trip, and I have a day off from my small school on Friday due to a sports event. In two weeks we have a 4 day weekend for the Korean Thanksgiving “Chuseok” then in the middle of October and November the classes will have testing for the national assessment. Then we’ll be into December and almost done! Wow it’s flying by so fast already.
Strange how I’m already beginning to feel like I need to take every bit of this place in before we leave. We’re so lucky to be able to do this.
On another note… our students LOVE this video.. and I’m sure you will to. Be sure to watch for a while… some funny guest singers pop up
September 15, 2009 Comments Off
Off topic but amazing…
Nothing about our travels but some pretty funny stuff….
Last – Someone in Ohio had WAY too much time on their hands…
I mean… really?? www.whitehousecornmaze.com
September 28, 2008 Comments Off
We have Mosquitoes, Ants, and ginormous spiders in our apartment. It’s pretty bad I wake up with new bug bites every morning. I can’t wait until it cools off and the bugs disappear for a while! There was a Huge spider in our bathroom the other day and now… he’s gone … not sure about that. His name was Lord Malfordom or something like that.
Anyways.. that’s my rant for the evening.
We taught at Geundeok today and it went pretty well. It’s definitely pretty obvious that we have never taught before.. but eh.. we’ll learn. The Kids seem to like us so far. Tomorrow is our first “Camp” day — 3 hours with one grade level all morning. Eek. Should be interesting – 15 first graders.
I better get some sleep – will need a lot of energy for “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands..”.
(I’m already sick of Children’s songs. this is a bad sign
Oh, and.. Go buy some stocks…. then go register to vote… then go tell all your liberal friends to register to vote. Then read this because it’s great.. NYTimes – Obama and Bartlett
Hope all is better than the news makes it out to be over there. Miss you all,
September 22, 2008 Comments Off