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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from Korea!!

We celebrated with the kids all month long during our Camps on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Here are some pictures from the 2nd grade camp last week. Tonight we are having a few people over for Halloween and we’re baking an Apple PIE with our new oven!!!

We made pumpkin masks, skeletons, watched Winnie the Pooh Halloween, Charlie Brown, Disney, Sang songs about pumpkins and witches, and ran around like mummies! It was all quite exciting. Here’s a few pictures from the camps.

Kate, “Make a witch hat if you are finished!”
“OK”, says the cutest 2nd grader ever.
Everyone is almost finished, even teacher Chang!
I didn’t really help much, I was just playing with the kids :)
But the pumpkin masks all got finished!!

They weren’t happy then… but they were soon enough when we gave them candy!!

The sixth graders got to run around in toilet paper like they were mummies. This was mildly successful. :)

What a mess…

1 comment

1 Marty { 10.31.08 at 9:38 pm }

Make a witch hat when you are done!

Adorable. Do they know Halloween? They should come teach people here in Bloomington. They seem to have forgotten how to do it, too.

Not like last year. Mandrian princess.