Comments on: Final Days… (of the semester) on the other side of the world.... Sun, 22 Aug 2010 21:57:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Melodie Fri, 19 Dec 2008 09:54:00 +0000 What? You’re ready to come back home? Hm, I was under the impression that sitting at the computer doing cross word puzzles all day was fun… guess I should get out more. Anyway, I’m up late… looking through my feeds, thought I would post — I use dreamhost for hosting, they’re fab I’ve been with them for about 9 years now…cheap, easy web panel.. and they have one click wordpress installations, super simple… not much of a learning curve — I just finished a wordpress install on my new site that’s still quite buggy(flash contact/php is kicking my butt among other things) –

You should give them a look — I’m also playing with flickr, you can see my flickr slideshow set implemented on this site too — not sure if I like it, but it’s easier than managing your own photos, you can batch, process, tag and upload with their little app — I’ll be installing my own flash photo gallery for swf movies, in the not so distant future– and lightwindow has a neat photo gallery feature too, that I haven’t used but it looks cool, the drawback is still having to manage the galleries, with thumbnails and what not —

Anyway, good luck, have a nice holiday and good vacation — hey, I hear Chinese New Year is pretty cool around those parts… enjoy!
